Tuesday, July 7, 2009

kachina, weatherford, humphrey's

on a whim at the coffee shop before the run we decided to explore some unchartered territory in the mountains. i'd guess that i've run somewhere between 5 to 6 thousand miles in flag since i arrived a couple years ago and there's little doubt that the 19 miles we ran today were the most spectacular of them all.

i've been drawing inspiration from a number of friends, events and places that surround me lately and one of those places that i looked forward to during the run today was our tuesday evening visit to the wine loft for a couple glasses of wine with good friends and some good music.


1 comment:

Rob said...

Great video, thanks for the amazing footage. What a great place to run. Chris Sara and I just did the same loop in reverse on Sunday. (a bit slower I'm sure!)